latest update on the Deafblind West Australians Support Groups Yarn Bombing event

Hi All

We have had a wonderful response to date with lots of people producing an abundance of knitted and crocheted squares, thank you, thank you, thank you to all those you have contributed so far.

It is now time to start collecting all your squares so we can begin planning for the event in November. We need to ensure we have enough squares and map out how the end product will look and be completed. So can you please start sending your squares in, we are happy to receive at Senses Australia, 11 Kitchener Ave, Burswood, Western Australia.

We ask for those who can to see below some instructions on joining the squares you have made. This preparation will make it a lot easier when we stage the event. See below for how to join your squares, if this isn’t clear please contact Melissa Evans and she will assist.

If you can’t join the squares you have made or don’t want to that is absolutely fine just forward to Senses as is and we will organise for them to be joined – anyone interested in volunteering to help with this task please let me know.

Finally keep making your squares as we will need many more for the next yarn bombing project in 2021. Any questions shout out and thankyou again for all your contributions to this unique project.

Joining crochet or knitted squares:

  1. If you have 12 squares at home – can you join them to make 2 squares together and 6 squares long.
  2. If you have 24 squares at home – can you join them to make 2 squares together and 12 squares long.
  3. If you have 42 squares at home – please can you join them to make 3 squares together and 14 squares long.


How to join granny squares together

How to sew granny squares together


How to join knitted squares together